
間投詞と感嘆文 - 英文法を覚えよう






1. Hello(ハロー): 挨拶や注意を引く際に使われる。
   ・Hello, how are you today?(こんにちは、今日は元気?)

2. Bye(バイ): 別れの挨拶として使われる。
   ・Bye, see you tomorrow!(バイ、また明日ね!)

3. Okay(オーケー): 同意や了解を示す際に使われる。
   ・Okay, let's go to the park.(オーケー、公園に行こう。)

4. Yes(イエス): 質問に肯定的な返答をする際に使われる。
   ・Yes, I would like some ice cream.(はい、アイスクリームをもらえると嬉しいです。)

5. No(ノー): 否定的な返答をする際に使われる。
   ・No, I don't have any siblings.(いいえ、兄弟はいません。)

6. Excuse me?(エクスキューズミー): 聞き返しや注意を求める際に使われる。
   ・Excuse me? Could you please repeat that?(すみません、もう一度言っていただけますか?)




1. Wow(ワウ): 驚きや感嘆を表現する際に使われます。
   ・Wow, that fireworks display was incredible!(ワウ、あの花火の打ち上げはすごかった!)

1. Oh(オー): 驚きや興奮を表現する際に使われる。
   ・Oh, I can't believe it!(オー、信じられない!)

2. Ouch(アウチ): 痛みや不快な感覚を表現する際に使われる。
   ・Ouch, that hurt!(アウチ、痛かった!)




1. Well(ウェル): 話し手が考え込んでいる間や次の発言に移る際に使われる。
   ・Well, I'm not sure if I can make it to the party.(ええと、パーティーに行けるかどうかわからないんだけど。)

2. I mean(アイミーン): 話し手が言いたいことを説明する際に使われる。
   ・I mean, it's not that difficult once you get the hang of it.(つまり、慣れればそんなに難しくないんだよ。)

3. you know(ユーノウ): 話し手が相手に理解してもらおうとする際に使われる。
   ・I was, you know, really tired after the long day.(その長い一日の後は、ね、本当に疲れていたんだ。)

4. like(ライク): 話し手が説明や例示をする際に使われる。ですが適切な使い方には注意が必要です。
   ・He's, like, always talking about his new video game.(彼は、ほら、いつも新しいビデオゲームのことばかり話しているんだよ。)



感嘆文は、驚きや感動、興奮などの強い感情を表現する文です。感嘆文は、How ~!やWhat ~!という形式でよく使われます。感嘆文は、話し手の意見や感情を強調するために用いられ、印象的な表現を作り出すことができます。

・How beautiful the sunset is!(夕日がなんて美しいんだ!)
・What a talented singer she is!(彼女ってなんて才能ある歌手なんだ!)

感嘆文は、会話や文章をより感情豊かにし、話し手の魅力や感動を伝える手段として重要です。次に解説する【How ~!】について見てみましょう。

【How ~!】


【How + 形容詞 + 主語 + 動詞(述語) + !】


1. How beautiful(ハウ ビューティフル): 美しさや素晴らしさに対する感嘆を表現します。
   ・How beautiful the flowers are!(花がなんて美しいんだ!)

2. How amazing(ハウ アメイジング): 驚きや素晴らしさに対する感嘆を表現します。
   ・How amazing the performance was!(パフォーマンスがなんて素晴らしかったんだ!)

3. How incredible(ハウ インクレディブル): 信じられなさや驚きに対する感嘆を表現します。
   ・How incredible the view from the top is!(頂上からの景色がなんて信じられないんだ!)

4. How delicious(ハウ デリシャス): 美味しさに対する感嘆を表現します。
   ・How delicious the food tastes!(食べ物がなんて美味しいんだ!)

これらの表現は、話し手が感動や驚きを強調し、聞き手に共感や興奮を伝える効果的な方法です。次に解説する【What ~!】を見てみましょう。

【What ~!】


【What + 冠詞 + 形容詞 + 名詞 + !】


1. What a beautiful(ワット ア ビューティフル): 美しさや素晴らしさに対する感嘆を表現します。
   ・What a beautiful painting!(なんて美しい絵なんだ!)

2. What an amazing(ワット アン アメイジング): 驚きや素晴らしさに対する感嘆を表現します。
   ・What an amazing performance!(なんて素晴らしいパフォーマンスなんだ!)

3. What a fantastic(ワット ア ファンタスティック): 素晴らしさや驚きに対する感嘆を表現します。
   ・What a fantastic idea!(なんて素晴らしいアイデアなんだ!)

4. What a delicious(ワット ア デリシャス): 美味しさに対する感嘆を表現します。
   ・What a delicious cake!(なんて美味しいケーキなんだ!)
文の成り立ち文の要素人称代名詞指示代名詞不定代名詞名詞と名詞句名詞の複数形冠詞be動詞一般動詞の現在形一般動詞の3単現助動詞のcan助動詞のmust助動詞のmay疑問詞のHow疑問詞のWhat疑問詞のWhere疑問詞のwhen疑問詞のWhich疑問詞のWho疑問詞のWhy形容詞副詞前置詞間投詞と感嘆文命令文Let’s接続詞There is過去形現在進行形過去進行形未来形再帰代名詞文型受動態
フォニックス発音練習【1】 短母音(A、E、I、O、U)、子音(B,K,D,F,G,H,J,L,M,N,P,Qu,R,S,T,V,W,X,Y,Z,softC,hardC,softG,hardG)
人称代名詞【1】 I, my, me, mine, you, your, you, yours, he, his, him, his, she, her, her, hers, it, its, it, we, our, us, ours, they, their, them, theirs
代名詞【2】 this, these, that, those, myself, yourself, himself, herself, ourselves, everybody, somebody, nobody, everyone, someone, anyone, none, everything, something, anything, nothing, each, other, another, all, both
be動詞・助動詞・疑問詞【3】 be, am, are, is, was, were, do, dose, did, can, cannot, could, will, would, may, might, must, shall, should, have to, who, whose, whom, what, which, when, where, why, how, how many, how much, how old
冠詞・間投詞・接続詞・省略形【4】 be, am, are, is, was, were, do, dose, did, can, cannot, could, will, would, may, might, must, shall, should, have to, who, whose, whom, what, which, when, where, why, how, how many, how much, how old
前置詞【5】 about, above, across, after, against, along, around, as, at, before, behind, below, beside, between, among, by, down, during, except, for, from, in, to, into, of, on, onto, minus, near, outside, over, since, than, through, toward, under, until, up, upon, with, without
名詞(数)【6】 zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred, thousand, million
名詞(曜日・月・Ac-Af)【7】 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, accident, acid rain, action, active volcano, activity, actor, actress, address, adult, advantage, adventure, advice, affection, Africa, afternoon
名詞(Ag-Ba)【8】 age, air, air conditioner, air pollution, airport, album, ambulance, America, American, amusement park, ancestor, anchor, animal, animation, ant, apple, architect, area, arm, art, artist, arts and crafts, Asia, assistance, astronaut, athlete, atomic bomb, attack, attention, aunt, Australia, autumn, baby, back
名詞(Ba-Bo)【9】 backyard, badge, bag, ball, balloon, ballpark, bank, barrier, baseball, basketball, bath, bathroom, bazaar, beach, bear, beauty, bed, beginner, beginning, Beijing, belief, bicycle, bike, biotechnology, bird, birthday, blanket, blood, blossom, board, boat, body, bomb
名詞(Bo-Ca)【10】 book, border, bottle, bottom, box, boy, boycott, braille, branch, Brazil, bread, breakfast, breath, breeze, bridge, British, broadcasting, brother, brotherhood, buffet, building, burger, bus, business, button, cafeteria, cage, cake, calligraphy, camera, campaign, Canada, cancer
名詞(Ca-Ch)【11】 candy, cap, capital, captain, car, card, care, carpenter, carrot, carton, cartoon, case, cat, cattle, cause, cave, CD, ceiling, cell, cent, center, centimeter, century, cereal, chain, chair, championship, chance, character, charity, chart, chemical, cherry
名詞(Ch-Co)【12】 chicken, child, children, China, Chinese, chopsticks, chorus, Christmas, church, city, class, classmate, classroom, clerk, clock, cloth, clothes, cloud, club, coffee, collection, college, color, comic, communication, company, computer, concert, conclusion, condominium, conductor, conference, connection
名詞(Co-De)【13】 convenience, conversation, cook, cooperation, corner, costume, country, countryside, couple, courage, course, cousin, cow, crane, creativity, creature, crop, cuisine, culture, cup, curry, curtain, custom, cut, dance, dancer, danger, date, daughter, day, deadline, death, decision
名詞(De-Do)【14】 deer, degree, democracy, demonstration, dentist, desert, desk, despair, detective, developing country, diary, dictionary, difference, difficulty, dignity, dinner, dinosaur, director, disaster, discussion, disease, display, distance, diver, doctor, dog, doll, dollar, dolphin, dome, door, doorbell, dot
名詞(Dr-Ev)【15】 drama, dream, dress, driver, drum, e-mail, e-pal, ear, earth, earthquake, east, echo, egg, Egypt, electricity, elephant, emergency, end, endangered animals, energy, engine, engineer, England, entrance, envelope, environment, episode, equality, era, eraser, Europe, evacuation, evening
名詞(Ex-Fi)【16】 examination, example, exchange, exhibition, exit, experience, expression, eye, eyesight, face, facility, fact, factory, fall, family, farewell, farm, farmer, fate, father, fault, favor, feeling, feet, fellow, fence, festival, fever, fiction, field, fine arts, finger, fire, firework
名詞(Fi-Ge)【17】 fish, fitting room, flag, flame, flight, floor, flower, flute, folk, food, football, foreigner, forest, fossil fuel, fountain, fox, frame, France, French fries, fridge, friend, friendship, frog, front, fruit, fun, future, game, garbage, garden, gas, gate, gentleman
名詞(Ge-Ha)【18】 German, Germany, gesture, gift, girl, glass, global warming, goal, God, gold, goodness, goose, gorilla, government, grade, grandchild, grandfather, grandmother, grass, grassland, green, greenhouse gases, greeting, ground, group, guest, guide, guitar, gull, habit, habitat, hair, Halloween
名詞(Ha-Ho)【19】 hamburger, hand, handkerchief, handle, harm, harvest, hat, hay fever, head, headache, health, heart, heat, heritage, hero, highland, hill, hint, history, hobby, hole, holiday, home, home economics, homepage, homestay, homework, honey, honor, horizon, horse, hospital, host
名詞(Ho-Ju)【20】 hotel, hour, house, humor, hunger, husband, idea, impact, importance, impossible, impression, India, Indian, influence, information, ink, insect, inspiration, instrument, interest, internet, interview, island, jam, Japan, Japanese, jellyfish, job, journey, joy, juice, jungle, justice
名詞(Ke-Li)【21】 key, kilometer, kind, kindness, king, kingdom, kitchen, kite, knee, knife, knowledge, koala, Korea, lady, lake, land, landmine, language, lavatory, law, lawyer, leader, leaf, leaves, left, leg, lesson, letter, library, life, lives, light, line
名詞(Li-Me)【22】 lion, liquid, locker, London, loss, lot, lullaby, lunch, machine, magic, man, men, manner, mansion, map, market, mask, master, match, mathematics, math, matter, meal, meaning, measure, meat, medal, medicine, meeting, member, memorial, memory
名詞(Me-Mt)【23】 mess, message, meter, Mexico, midnight, mile, milk, minister, minute, mirror, Miss, mistake, model, mom, moment, money, monkey, monster, monument, moon, moral education, morning, mother, motto, mountain, mouse, mouth, movement, movie, Mr., Mrs., Ms., Mt.
名詞(Mu-Nu)【24】 museum, music, musical, musician, nail, name, nap, nation, nature, neck, needle, neighbor, neighborhood, nephew, nest, net, New York, New Zealand, news, newspaper, nickname, niece, night, Nobel Peace Prize, noise, noon, north, northeast, nose, notebook, notice, number, nun
名詞(Nu-Pa)【25】 nurse, obstacle, occupation, ocean, octopus, office, officer, oil, opera, operator, opinion, orange, orchestra, order, organ, outside, oxygen, ozone, page, pain, paint, painter, painting, pair, paper, pardon, parent, park, parking, part, partner, party, passport
名詞(Pe-Pl)【26】 PE, peace, peel, pen, pencil, people, period, permission, person, pet, pharmacist, phone, photo, photographer, phrase, piano, picnic, picture, piece, pig, pillar, pilot, pink, pity, place, plan, plane, planet, plant, plastic, plate, player, playground
名詞(Pl-Qu)【27】 pleasure, pocket, poem, poet, point, poison, police, pollution, pool, population, post, poster, pot, potato, power, present, presentation, pressure, price, priest, principal, priority, problem, program, project, promise, pumpkin, purple, purpose, pyramid, queen, question, quiz
名詞(Ra-Ri)【28】 rabbit, race, racket, radio, rain, rainbow, rainforest, ramp, rat, ray, reason, recess, recipe, rectangle, recycling, refugee, relationship, relay, report, reporter, reproach, research, resource, rest, restaurant, restroom, rhythm, rice, rice cake, rider, right, ring, risk
名詞(Ri-Sh)【29】 river, road, rock, rocket, roof, room, rose, rule, ruler, sadness, safety, sale, salesclerk, salmon, salt, sanctuary, sand, scene, school, science, scientist, scissors, sculpture, sea, season, seat, secondhand store, secret, section, seed, sentence, service, shade
名詞(Sh-So)【30】 shape, sheep, sheet, shelf, ship, shirt, shoes, shop, shopping, shot, shoulder, shrine, side, sightseeing, sign, silver, singer, sister, site, situation, size, skill, skin, sky, slave, slum, smoke, snow, soccer, socks, social studies, softball, soldier
名詞(So-St)【31】 solution, son, song, sound, soup, south, souvenir, space, spaceship, Spain, speaker, specialist, speech, spoon, sport, spring, square, stadium, stairs, stamp, stapler, star, starvation, station, statue, stay, step, stick, stomach, stomachache, stone, store, storm
名詞(St-Te)【32】 story, stranger, street, string, struggle, student, style, subject, suburb, subway, success, summer, sun, sunrise, sunset, surface, survey, sweater, sword, symbol, system, T-shirt, table, tag, tail, task, tea, teacher, teacup, team, tear, telephone, telescope
名詞(Te-To)【33】 television, temper, temperature, temple, tennis, test, textbook, Thanksgiving Day, theater, theme, thief, thing, thought, ticket, tiger, time, tissue, toast, today, toe, toilet, tomato, tomorrow, ton, tongue, tonight, tooth, teeth, toothache, top, tower, town, toy
名詞(Tr-Un)【34】 track, track and field, trade, tradition, traffic, tragedy, train, trap, trash, travel, tray, treasure, tree, triangle, trick, trip, trouble, truck, trust, truth, tube, turkey, turn, turtle, TV, U.K., umbrella, United Nations, uncle, unicycle, uniform, United States, unity
名詞(Un-We)【35】 universal design, university, use, vacation, value, variety, vegetable, vending machine, vet, victim, video, video game, view, village, violin, visit, visitor, voice, volcano, volleyball, volume, volunteer, vulture, waitress, wall, wallet, war, water, waterfall, way, weapon, weather, weather forecast
名詞(We-Zo)【36】 web, week, weekend, well, west, whale, wheel, wheelchair, wife, wind, windmill, window, wine, wing, winner, winter, wish, witch, wolf, woman, wood, word, work, worker, world, World Heritage Site, yacht, year, yellow, yen, yesterday, zebra, zoo
形容詞(順序を表す言葉)【37】 first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth, thirtieth, fortieth, fiftieth, sixtieth, seventieth, eightieth, ninetieth, hundredth, thousandth, millionth
形容詞(Ab-Ce)【38】 able, active, adult, afraid, all, American, ancient, angry, another, any, artificial, asleep, atomic, awesome, bad, ill, worse, worst, bare, basic, beautiful, big, black, blind, blue, bored, boring, born, both, breathtaking, bright, British, brown, busy, careful, centigrade, certain
形容詞(Ch-Dr)【39】 cheap, cheerful, chemical, Chinese, civil, clean, clever, close, cloudy, cold, colorful, comfortable, commercial, common, compulsory, conceited, confused, convenient, cool, correct, creative, crowded, cute, daily, dangerous, dark, dead, deaf, dear, deep, delicious, depressed, different, difficult, dirty, disabled, disappointed, dry
形容詞(Dy-Fr)【40】 dying, each, easy, economic, efficient, elderly, elegant, elementary, else, embarrassed, empty, equal, even, every, exact, excited, exciting, expensive, fair, faithful, famous, far, fast, favorite, few, fine, fit, fond, foolish, foreign, former, foster, free, fresh, friendly, frightened, frustrated
形容詞(Fu-La)【41】 full, funny, German, glad, global, good, well, better, best, great, greedy, half, happy, hard, healthy, heavy, high, honest, hot, huge, human, hungry, important, impossible, Indian, industrial, injured, integrated, intense, interested, interesting, international, itchy, Japanese, junior, kind, large
形容詞(La-No)【42】 last, late, light, little, less, least, living, long, loud, lucky, major, many, much, more, most, master, meaningful, medium, memorial, mighty, military, minor, miserable, modern, musical, narrow, national, natural, naughty, necessary, neither, nervous, new, next, nice, noble
形容詞(No-Re)【43】 noisy, northeast, northern, nuclear, official, old, only, open, opposite, optimistic, ordinary, original, other, outside, own, pale, paralyzed, particular, peaceful, perfect, plastic, pleasant, polite, political, poor, popular, positive, possible, present, pretty, proud, public, quiet, rainy, ready, real, red
形容詞(Re-St)【44】 regular, relaxed, responsible, rich, ridiculous, right, round, sacred, sad, safe, same, scary, selfish, senior, serious, several, short, shy, sick, silent, silly, similar, simple, sleepy, slow, small, smart, smooth, snowy, sociable, soft, some, sore, sorry, sour, special, stiff, straight
形容詞(St-Yo)【45】 strange, strong, stupid, such, sunny, sure, sweet, tall, terrible, thirsty, tired, tourist, traditional, true, unbelievable, unclean, underground, unequal, unhappy, useful, usual, vast, virtual, warm, weak, welcome, western, white, whole, wide, wild, willing, windy, wonderful, worth, wrong, young
動詞(Ac-Br)【46】 act, add, admire, advertise, agree, allow, amaze, answer, appear, arrest, arrive, ask, assist, attack, bark, bear, become, became, begin, began, begun, believe, belong, blame, blow, blew, boil, border, borrow, bother, break, broke, broken
動詞(Br-Co)【47】 bring, brought, broaden, brush, build, built, bump, burn, bury, buy, bought, call, campaign, care, carry, catch, caught, cause, celebrate, change, chew, choose, chose, clean, climb, close, collect, come, came, communicate, compare, complain, contact
動詞(Co-Ea)【48】 continue, control, cook, cost, cough, count, cover, create, cross, cry, decide, decorate, decrease, develop, die, disagree, disappear, discover, displace, display, do, does, did, done, draw, drew, dream, drink, drank, drunk, drive, drop, dump, earn
動詞(Ea-Fu)【49】 eat, ate, eaten, elect, enjoy, enter, excuse, expect, explain, explode, export, fail, fall, fell, fascinate, fasten, feel, felt, fight, fought, fill, find, found, finish, float, fly, flew, fold, follow, forget, forgot, forgive, fulfill
動詞(Ga-Hu)【50】 gather, get, got, give, gave, given, go, went, gone, graduate, grow, grew, guess, guide, handle, hang, happen, harm, hate, have, has, had, heal, hear, heard, help, hide, hit, hold, held, hope, hurry, hurt
動詞(Im-Le)【51】 imagine, increase, injure, inspire, insult, interest, introduce, invent, investigate, invite, join, judge, jump, keep, kill, knit, knock, know, knew, known, land, last, laugh, launch, lay, laid, lead, led, learn, leave, lend, lent
動詞(Li-Pa)【52】 lie, lay, lain, lied, lift, like, listen, live, locate, look, lose, make, made, marry, master, mean, meant, meet, met, mind, miss, move, need, nod, offer, open, order, overcome, paint, park, participate, pass, pay, peel
動詞(Pi-Re)【53】 pick, plan, plant, play, please, poison, pollute, post, practice, prefer, prepare, present, print, produce, protect, provide, publish, pull, punish, push, put, rain, raise, reach, react, read, realize, rebuild, receive, recognize, recycle, reduce, refresh
動詞(Re-So)【54】 reject, relay, release, remain, remember, remind, remove, report, represent, reproach, rescue, research, respect, respond, return, reuse, ride, rode, ridden, rise, run, ran, run, save, say, said, scare, scold, search, see, saw, seen, seem, sell, sold
動詞(Se-St)【55】 send, sent, separate, sew, shake, sheet, shine, shoot, shop, shout, show, shut, sing, sang, sung, sit, sat, ski, sleep, smell, smile, smoke, snow, solve, sort, sound, speak, spoke, spoken, spell, spend, stand, start, starve, stay
動詞(St-Tr)【56】 sting, stop, strive, struggle, study, succeed, suffer, support, suppose, surf, surprise, surround, survive, swallow, swim, swam, swum, take, took, taken, talk, teach, taught, tease, tell, told, thank, think, throw, threw, thrown, touch, travel, treat
動詞(Tr-Ya)【57】 trust, try, turn, uncover, understand, understood, use, visit, wait, wake, woke, woken, walk, want, wash, waste, watch, weaken, wear, weigh, whisper, whistle, win, won, wish, wonder, work, worry, wrap, wrestle, write, wrote, written, yacht
副詞(A.-Fi)【58】 a.m., about, abroad, again, ago, almost, alone, aloud, already, also, always, anytime, anywhere, away, back, best, better, carefully, certainly, cheerfully, clearly, closely, definitely, downstairs, early, easily, either, else, enough, especially, even, ever, everywhere, fast, finally
副詞(Fl-Ra)【59】 fluently, forever, forward, happily, here, incredibly, instead, just, later, long, maybe, more, most, never, no, northeast, not, now, o’clock, off, often, OK, once, out, outside, over, p.m., perhaps, please, precisely, quickly, quietly, quite, rather
副詞(Re-Ye)【60】 ready, really, right, round, sadly, sincerely, slowly, so, someday, somehow, sometimes, soon, still, straight, strongly, suddenly, sure, then, there, tightly, together, tomorrow, tonight, too, truly, unfairly, up, usually, very, well, worst, yes, yesterday, yet