
形容詞(Dy-Fr) - 中学英単語【40】



人称代名詞【1】 I, my, me, mine, you, your, you, yours, he, his, him, his, she, her, her, hers, it, its, it, we, our, us, ours, they, their, them, theirs
代名詞【2】 this, these, that, those, myself, yourself, himself, herself, ourselves, everybody, somebody, nobody, everyone, someone, anyone, none, everything, something, anything, nothing, each, other, another, all, both
be動詞・助動詞・疑問詞【3】 be, am, are, is, was, were, do, dose, did, can, cannot, could, will, would, may, might, must, shall, should, have to, who, whose, whom, what, which, when, where, why, how, how many, how much, how old
冠詞・間投詞・接続詞・省略形【4】 be, am, are, is, was, were, do, dose, did, can, cannot, could, will, would, may, might, must, shall, should, have to, who, whose, whom, what, which, when, where, why, how, how many, how much, how old
前置詞【5】 about, above, across, after, against, along, around, as, at, before, behind, below, beside, between, among, by, down, during, except, for, from, in, to, into, of, on, onto, minus, near, outside, over, since, than, through, toward, under, until, up, upon, with, without
名詞(数)【6】 zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred, thousand, million
名詞(曜日・月・Ac-Af)【7】 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, accident, acid rain, action, active volcano, activity, actor, actress, address, adult, advantage, adventure, advice, affection, Africa, afternoon
名詞(Ag-Ba)【8】 age, air, air conditioner, air pollution, airport, album, ambulance, America, American, amusement park, ancestor, anchor, animal, animation, ant, apple, architect, area, arm, art, artist, arts and crafts, Asia, assistance, astronaut, athlete, atomic bomb, attack, attention, aunt, Australia, autumn, baby, back
名詞(Ba-Bo)【9】 backyard, badge, bag, ball, balloon, ballpark, bank, barrier, baseball, basketball, bath, bathroom, bazaar, beach, bear, beauty, bed, beginner, beginning, Beijing, belief, bicycle, bike, biotechnology, bird, birthday, blanket, blood, blossom, board, boat, body, bomb
名詞(Bo-Ca)【10】 book, border, bottle, bottom, box, boy, boycott, braille, branch, Brazil, bread, breakfast, breath, breeze, bridge, British, broadcasting, brother, brotherhood, buffet, building, burger, bus, business, button, cafeteria, cage, cake, calligraphy, camera, campaign, Canada, cancer
名詞(Ca-Ch)【11】 candy, cap, capital, captain, car, card, care, carpenter, carrot, carton, cartoon, case, cat, cattle, cause, cave, CD, ceiling, cell, cent, center, centimeter, century, cereal, chain, chair, championship, chance, character, charity, chart, chemical, cherry
名詞(Ch-Co)【12】 chicken, child, children, China, Chinese, chopsticks, chorus, Christmas, church, city, class, classmate, classroom, clerk, clock, cloth, clothes, cloud, club, coffee, collection, college, color, comic, communication, company, computer, concert, conclusion, condominium, conductor, conference, connection
名詞(Co-De)【13】 convenience, conversation, cook, cooperation, corner, costume, country, countryside, couple, courage, course, cousin, cow, crane, creativity, creature, crop, cuisine, culture, cup, curry, curtain, custom, cut, dance, dancer, danger, date, daughter, day, deadline, death, decision
名詞(De-Do)【14】 deer, degree, democracy, demonstration, dentist, desert, desk, despair, detective, developing country, diary, dictionary, difference, difficulty, dignity, dinner, dinosaur, director, disaster, discussion, disease, display, distance, diver, doctor, dog, doll, dollar, dolphin, dome, door, doorbell, dot
名詞(Dr-Ev)【15】 drama, dream, dress, driver, drum, e-mail, e-pal, ear, earth, earthquake, east, echo, egg, Egypt, electricity, elephant, emergency, end, endangered animals, energy, engine, engineer, England, entrance, envelope, environment, episode, equality, era, eraser, Europe, evacuation, evening
名詞(Ex-Fi)【16】 examination, example, exchange, exhibition, exit, experience, expression, eye, eyesight, face, facility, fact, factory, fall, family, farewell, farm, farmer, fate, father, fault, favor, feeling, feet, fellow, fence, festival, fever, fiction, field, fine arts, finger, fire, firework
名詞(Fi-Ge)【17】 fish, fitting room, flag, flame, flight, floor, flower, flute, folk, food, football, foreigner, forest, fossil fuel, fountain, fox, frame, France, French fries, fridge, friend, friendship, frog, front, fruit, fun, future, game, garbage, garden, gas, gate, gentleman
名詞(Ge-Ha)【18】 German, Germany, gesture, gift, girl, glass, global warming, goal, God, gold, goodness, goose, gorilla, government, grade, grandchild, grandfather, grandmother, grass, grassland, green, greenhouse gases, greeting, ground, group, guest, guide, guitar, gull, habit, habitat, hair, Halloween
名詞(Ha-Ho)【19】 hamburger, hand, handkerchief, handle, harm, harvest, hat, hay fever, head, headache, health, heart, heat, heritage, hero, highland, hill, hint, history, hobby, hole, holiday, home, home economics, homepage, homestay, homework, honey, honor, horizon, horse, hospital, host
名詞(Ho-Ju)【20】 hotel, hour, house, humor, hunger, husband, idea, impact, importance, impossible, impression, India, Indian, influence, information, ink, insect, inspiration, instrument, interest, internet, interview, island, jam, Japan, Japanese, jellyfish, job, journey, joy, juice, jungle, justice
名詞(Ke-Li)【21】 key, kilometer, kind, kindness, king, kingdom, kitchen, kite, knee, knife, knowledge, koala, Korea, lady, lake, land, landmine, language, lavatory, law, lawyer, leader, leaf, leaves, left, leg, lesson, letter, library, life, lives, light, line
名詞(Li-Me)【22】 lion, liquid, locker, London, loss, lot, lullaby, lunch, machine, magic, man, men, manner, mansion, map, market, mask, master, match, mathematics, math, matter, meal, meaning, measure, meat, medal, medicine, meeting, member, memorial, memory
名詞(Me-Mt)【23】 mess, message, meter, Mexico, midnight, mile, milk, minister, minute, mirror, Miss, mistake, model, mom, moment, money, monkey, monster, monument, moon, moral education, morning, mother, motto, mountain, mouse, mouth, movement, movie, Mr., Mrs., Ms., Mt.
名詞(Mu-Nu)【24】 museum, music, musical, musician, nail, name, nap, nation, nature, neck, needle, neighbor, neighborhood, nephew, nest, net, New York, New Zealand, news, newspaper, nickname, niece, night, Nobel Peace Prize, noise, noon, north, northeast, nose, notebook, notice, number, nun
名詞(Nu-Pa)【25】 nurse, obstacle, occupation, ocean, octopus, office, officer, oil, opera, operator, opinion, orange, orchestra, order, organ, outside, oxygen, ozone, page, pain, paint, painter, painting, pair, paper, pardon, parent, park, parking, part, partner, party, passport
名詞(Pe-Pl)【26】 PE, peace, peel, pen, pencil, people, period, permission, person, pet, pharmacist, phone, photo, photographer, phrase, piano, picnic, picture, piece, pig, pillar, pilot, pink, pity, place, plan, plane, planet, plant, plastic, plate, player, playground
名詞(Pl-Qu)【27】 pleasure, pocket, poem, poet, point, poison, police, pollution, pool, population, post, poster, pot, potato, power, present, presentation, pressure, price, priest, principal, priority, problem, program, project, promise, pumpkin, purple, purpose, pyramid, queen, question, quiz
名詞(Ra-Ri)【28】 rabbit, race, racket, radio, rain, rainbow, rainforest, ramp, rat, ray, reason, recess, recipe, rectangle, recycling, refugee, relationship, relay, report, reporter, reproach, research, resource, rest, restaurant, restroom, rhythm, rice, rice cake, rider, right, ring, risk
名詞(Ri-Sh)【29】 river, road, rock, rocket, roof, room, rose, rule, ruler, sadness, safety, sale, salesclerk, salmon, salt, sanctuary, sand, scene, school, science, scientist, scissors, sculpture, sea, season, seat, secondhand store, secret, section, seed, sentence, service, shade
名詞(Sh-So)【30】 shape, sheep, sheet, shelf, ship, shirt, shoes, shop, shopping, shot, shoulder, shrine, side, sightseeing, sign, silver, singer, sister, site, situation, size, skill, skin, sky, slave, slum, smoke, snow, soccer, socks, social studies, softball, soldier
名詞(So-St)【31】 solution, son, song, sound, soup, south, souvenir, space, spaceship, Spain, speaker, specialist, speech, spoon, sport, spring, square, stadium, stairs, stamp, stapler, star, starvation, station, statue, stay, step, stick, stomach, stomachache, stone, store, storm
名詞(St-Te)【32】 story, stranger, street, string, struggle, student, style, subject, suburb, subway, success, summer, sun, sunrise, sunset, surface, survey, sweater, sword, symbol, system, T-shirt, table, tag, tail, task, tea, teacher, teacup, team, tear, telephone, telescope
名詞(Te-To)【33】 television, temper, temperature, temple, tennis, test, textbook, Thanksgiving Day, theater, theme, thief, thing, thought, ticket, tiger, time, tissue, toast, today, toe, toilet, tomato, tomorrow, ton, tongue, tonight, tooth, teeth, toothache, top, tower, town, toy
名詞(Tr-Un)【34】 track, track and field, trade, tradition, traffic, tragedy, train, trap, trash, travel, tray, treasure, tree, triangle, trick, trip, trouble, truck, trust, truth, tube, turkey, turn, turtle, TV, U.K., umbrella, United Nations, uncle, unicycle, uniform, United States, unity
名詞(Un-We)【35】 universal design, university, use, vacation, value, variety, vegetable, vending machine, vet, victim, video, video game, view, village, violin, visit, visitor, voice, volcano, volleyball, volume, volunteer, vulture, waitress, wall, wallet, war, water, waterfall, way, weapon, weather, weather forecast
名詞(We-Zo)【36】 web, week, weekend, well, west, whale, wheel, wheelchair, wife, wind, windmill, window, wine, wing, winner, winter, wish, witch, wolf, woman, wood, word, work, worker, world, World Heritage Site, yacht, year, yellow, yen, yesterday, zebra, zoo
形容詞(順序を表す言葉)【37】 first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth, thirtieth, fortieth, fiftieth, sixtieth, seventieth, eightieth, ninetieth, hundredth, thousandth, millionth
形容詞(Ab-Ce)【38】 able, active, adult, afraid, all, American, ancient, angry, another, any, artificial, asleep, atomic, awesome, bad, ill, worse, worst, bare, basic, beautiful, big, black, blind, blue, bored, boring, born, both, breathtaking, bright, British, brown, busy, careful, centigrade, certain
形容詞(Ch-Dr)【39】 cheap, cheerful, chemical, Chinese, civil, clean, clever, close, cloudy, cold, colorful, comfortable, commercial, common, compulsory, conceited, confused, convenient, cool, correct, creative, crowded, cute, daily, dangerous, dark, dead, deaf, dear, deep, delicious, depressed, different, difficult, dirty, disabled, disappointed, dry
形容詞(Dy-Fr)【40】 dying, each, easy, economic, efficient, elderly, elegant, elementary, else, embarrassed, empty, equal, even, every, exact, excited, exciting, expensive, fair, faithful, famous, far, fast, favorite, few, fine, fit, fond, foolish, foreign, former, foster, free, fresh, friendly, frightened, frustrated
形容詞(Fu-La)【41】 full, funny, German, glad, global, good, well, better, best, great, greedy, half, happy, hard, healthy, heavy, high, honest, hot, huge, human, hungry, important, impossible, Indian, industrial, injured, integrated, intense, interested, interesting, international, itchy, Japanese, junior, kind, large
形容詞(La-No)【42】 last, late, light, little, less, least, living, long, loud, lucky, major, many, much, more, most, master, meaningful, medium, memorial, mighty, military, minor, miserable, modern, musical, narrow, national, natural, naughty, necessary, neither, nervous, new, next, nice, noble
形容詞(No-Re)【43】 noisy, northeast, northern, nuclear, official, old, only, open, opposite, optimistic, ordinary, original, other, outside, own, pale, paralyzed, particular, peaceful, perfect, plastic, pleasant, polite, political, poor, popular, positive, possible, present, pretty, proud, public, quiet, rainy, ready, real, red
形容詞(Re-St)【44】 regular, relaxed, responsible, rich, ridiculous, right, round, sacred, sad, safe, same, scary, selfish, senior, serious, several, short, shy, sick, silent, silly, similar, simple, sleepy, slow, small, smart, smooth, snowy, sociable, soft, some, sore, sorry, sour, special, stiff, straight
形容詞(St-Yo)【45】 strange, strong, stupid, such, sunny, sure, sweet, tall, terrible, thirsty, tired, tourist, traditional, true, unbelievable, unclean, underground, unequal, unhappy, useful, usual, vast, virtual, warm, weak, welcome, western, white, whole, wide, wild, willing, windy, wonderful, worth, wrong, young
動詞(Ac-Br)【46】 act, add, admire, advertise, agree, allow, amaze, answer, appear, arrest, arrive, ask, assist, attack, bark, bear, become, became, begin, began, begun, believe, belong, blame, blow, blew, boil, border, borrow, bother, break, broke, broken
動詞(Br-Co)【47】 bring, brought, broaden, brush, build, built, bump, burn, bury, buy, bought, call, campaign, care, carry, catch, caught, cause, celebrate, change, chew, choose, chose, clean, climb, close, collect, come, came, communicate, compare, complain, contact
動詞(Co-Ea)【48】 continue, control, cook, cost, cough, count, cover, create, cross, cry, decide, decorate, decrease, develop, die, disagree, disappear, discover, displace, display, do, does, did, done, draw, drew, dream, drink, drank, drunk, drive, drop, dump, earn
動詞(Ea-Fu)【49】 eat, ate, eaten, elect, enjoy, enter, excuse, expect, explain, explode, export, fail, fall, fell, fascinate, fasten, feel, felt, fight, fought, fill, find, found, finish, float, fly, flew, fold, follow, forget, forgot, forgive, fulfill
動詞(Ga-Hu)【50】 gather, get, got, give, gave, given, go, went, gone, graduate, grow, grew, guess, guide, handle, hang, happen, harm, hate, have, has, had, heal, hear, heard, help, hide, hit, hold, held, hope, hurry, hurt
動詞(Im-Le)【51】 imagine, increase, injure, inspire, insult, interest, introduce, invent, investigate, invite, join, judge, jump, keep, kill, knit, knock, know, knew, known, land, last, laugh, launch, lay, laid, lead, led, learn, leave, lend, lent
動詞(Li-Pa)【52】 lie, lay, lain, lied, lift, like, listen, live, locate, look, lose, make, made, marry, master, mean, meant, meet, met, mind, miss, move, need, nod, offer, open, order, overcome, paint, park, participate, pass, pay, peel
動詞(Pi-Re)【53】 pick, plan, plant, play, please, poison, pollute, post, practice, prefer, prepare, present, print, produce, protect, provide, publish, pull, punish, push, put, rain, raise, reach, react, read, realize, rebuild, receive, recognize, recycle, reduce, refresh
動詞(Re-So)【54】 reject, relay, release, remain, remember, remind, remove, report, represent, reproach, rescue, research, respect, respond, return, reuse, ride, rode, ridden, rise, run, ran, run, save, say, said, scare, scold, search, see, saw, seen, seem, sell, sold
動詞(Se-St)【55】 send, sent, separate, sew, shake, sheet, shine, shoot, shop, shout, show, shut, sing, sang, sung, sit, sat, ski, sleep, smell, smile, smoke, snow, solve, sort, sound, speak, spoke, spoken, spell, spend, stand, start, starve, stay
動詞(St-Tr)【56】 sting, stop, strive, struggle, study, succeed, suffer, support, suppose, surf, surprise, surround, survive, swallow, swim, swam, swum, take, took, taken, talk, teach, taught, tease, tell, told, thank, think, throw, threw, thrown, touch, travel, treat
動詞(Tr-Ya)【57】 trust, try, turn, uncover, understand, understood, use, visit, wait, wake, woke, woken, walk, want, wash, waste, watch, weaken, wear, weigh, whisper, whistle, win, won, wish, wonder, work, worry, wrap, wrestle, write, wrote, written, yacht
副詞(A.-Fi)【58】 a.m., about, abroad, again, ago, almost, alone, aloud, already, also, always, anytime, anywhere, away, back, best, better, carefully, certainly, cheerfully, clearly, closely, definitely, downstairs, early, easily, either, else, enough, especially, even, ever, everywhere, fast, finally
副詞(Fl-Ra)【59】 fluently, forever, forward, happily, here, incredibly, instead, just, later, long, maybe, more, most, never, no, northeast, not, now, o’clock, off, often, OK, once, out, outside, over, p.m., perhaps, please, precisely, quickly, quietly, quite, rather
副詞(Re-Ye)【60】 ready, really, right, round, sadly, sincerely, slowly, so, someday, somehow, sometimes, soon, still, straight, strongly, suddenly, sure, then, there, tightly, together, tomorrow, tonight, too, truly, unfairly, up, usually, very, well, worst, yes, yesterday, yet
文の成り立ち文の要素人称代名詞指示代名詞不定代名詞名詞と名詞句名詞の複数形冠詞be動詞一般動詞の現在形一般動詞の3単現助動詞のcan助動詞のmust助動詞のmay疑問詞のHow疑問詞のWhat疑問詞のWhere疑問詞のwhen疑問詞のWhich疑問詞のWho疑問詞のWhy形容詞副詞前置詞間投詞と感嘆文命令文Let’s接続詞There is過去形現在進行形過去進行形未来形再帰代名詞文型受動態
フォニックス発音練習【1】 短母音(A、E、I、O、U)、子音(B,K,D,F,G,H,J,L,M,N,P,Qu,R,S,T,V,W,X,Y,Z,softC,hardC,softG,hardG)