
過去形 - 英文法を覚えよう



I played soccer yesterday.(私は昨日サッカーをした。)
She studied English last night.(彼女は昨夜英語を勉強した。)




be動詞(am, is, are)の過去形は以下のようになります。

am → was
is → was
are → were

I was tired yesterday.(昨日は疲れていました。)
She was happy at the party.(彼女はパーティーで嬉しかったです。)
They were my best friends.(彼らは私の親友でした。)



■ 規則的に変化する規則動詞


I walked to school this morning.(今朝、学校まで歩きました。)
He played basketball with his friends.(彼は友達とバスケットボールをしました。)
We watched a movie last night.(私たちは昨夜映画を観ました。)


■ 不規則に変化する不規則動詞


I ate breakfast this morning.(今朝、朝食を食べました。)
She ran in the race and won.(彼女はレースで走って勝ちました。)
They saw a beautiful rainbow yesterday.(彼らは昨日、美しい虹を見ました。)




He could swim when he was five years old.(彼は5歳のときに泳げました。)
We should have arrived earlier.(もっと早く到着すべきでした。)



When I was young, I could climb trees easily.(子供のころは、簡単に木に登れたものです。)
Could I borrow your pencil, please?(えんぴつ、お借りしてもよろしいですか?)




It might have rained while we were out.(外出している間に雨が降ったかもしれません。)
I thought I might have left my keys at home.(家に鍵を置き忘れたかもしれないと思いました。)




I should have studied harder for the test.(テストのためにもっと一生懸命勉強すべきだった。)
She should have listened to her parents' advice.(彼女は両親のアドバイスを聞くべきだった。)


【had to】

had toは「しなければならなかった」という意味を持つ表現です。過去の義務や強制を表現するのに使われます。

I had to finish my homework before going out.(外出する前に宿題を終わらせなければなりませんでした。)
They had to wake up early for the morning practice.(彼らは朝の練習のために早く起きなければなりませんでした。)

had toは、過去の義務や強制に関連する状況を表現するのに役立ちます。





Were you tired yesterday?(昨日、疲れていましたか?)
Was she happy at the party?(彼女はパーティーで幸せでしたか?)


What was he doing at that time?(その時、彼は何をしていましたか?)
Where were they last night?(彼らは昨夜、どこにいましたか?)



Did you watch the movie last night?(昨夜、その映画を見ましたか?)
Did they play soccer after school?(彼らは放課後にサッカーをしましたか?)


Where did you go on your vacation?(休暇中にどこへ行きましたか?)
What did they eat for dinner?(彼らは夕食に何を食べましたか?)



Could you swim when you were five years old?(5歳のときに泳げましたか?)
Should I have called you earlier?(もっと早くあなたに電話をすべきでしたか?)


How could he solve the problem?(彼はどのようにしてその問題を解決したのですか?)
Why should we trust him?(なぜ私たちは彼を信じる必要があるのですか?)
文の成り立ち文の要素人称代名詞指示代名詞不定代名詞名詞と名詞句名詞の複数形冠詞be動詞一般動詞の現在形一般動詞の3単現助動詞のcan助動詞のmust助動詞のmay疑問詞のHow疑問詞のWhat疑問詞のWhere疑問詞のwhen疑問詞のWhich疑問詞のWho疑問詞のWhy形容詞副詞前置詞間投詞と感嘆文命令文Let’s接続詞There is過去形現在進行形過去進行形未来形再帰代名詞文型受動態
フォニックス発音練習【1】 短母音(A、E、I、O、U)、子音(B,K,D,F,G,H,J,L,M,N,P,Qu,R,S,T,V,W,X,Y,Z,softC,hardC,softG,hardG)
人称代名詞【1】 I, my, me, mine, you, your, you, yours, he, his, him, his, she, her, her, hers, it, its, it, we, our, us, ours, they, their, them, theirs
代名詞【2】 this, these, that, those, myself, yourself, himself, herself, ourselves, everybody, somebody, nobody, everyone, someone, anyone, none, everything, something, anything, nothing, each, other, another, all, both
be動詞・助動詞・疑問詞【3】 be, am, are, is, was, were, do, dose, did, can, cannot, could, will, would, may, might, must, shall, should, have to, who, whose, whom, what, which, when, where, why, how, how many, how much, how old
冠詞・間投詞・接続詞・省略形【4】 be, am, are, is, was, were, do, dose, did, can, cannot, could, will, would, may, might, must, shall, should, have to, who, whose, whom, what, which, when, where, why, how, how many, how much, how old
前置詞【5】 about, above, across, after, against, along, around, as, at, before, behind, below, beside, between, among, by, down, during, except, for, from, in, to, into, of, on, onto, minus, near, outside, over, since, than, through, toward, under, until, up, upon, with, without
名詞(数)【6】 zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred, thousand, million
名詞(曜日・月・Ac-Af)【7】 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, accident, acid rain, action, active volcano, activity, actor, actress, address, adult, advantage, adventure, advice, affection, Africa, afternoon
名詞(Ag-Ba)【8】 age, air, air conditioner, air pollution, airport, album, ambulance, America, American, amusement park, ancestor, anchor, animal, animation, ant, apple, architect, area, arm, art, artist, arts and crafts, Asia, assistance, astronaut, athlete, atomic bomb, attack, attention, aunt, Australia, autumn, baby, back
名詞(Ba-Bo)【9】 backyard, badge, bag, ball, balloon, ballpark, bank, barrier, baseball, basketball, bath, bathroom, bazaar, beach, bear, beauty, bed, beginner, beginning, Beijing, belief, bicycle, bike, biotechnology, bird, birthday, blanket, blood, blossom, board, boat, body, bomb
名詞(Bo-Ca)【10】 book, border, bottle, bottom, box, boy, boycott, braille, branch, Brazil, bread, breakfast, breath, breeze, bridge, British, broadcasting, brother, brotherhood, buffet, building, burger, bus, business, button, cafeteria, cage, cake, calligraphy, camera, campaign, Canada, cancer
名詞(Ca-Ch)【11】 candy, cap, capital, captain, car, card, care, carpenter, carrot, carton, cartoon, case, cat, cattle, cause, cave, CD, ceiling, cell, cent, center, centimeter, century, cereal, chain, chair, championship, chance, character, charity, chart, chemical, cherry
名詞(Ch-Co)【12】 chicken, child, children, China, Chinese, chopsticks, chorus, Christmas, church, city, class, classmate, classroom, clerk, clock, cloth, clothes, cloud, club, coffee, collection, college, color, comic, communication, company, computer, concert, conclusion, condominium, conductor, conference, connection
名詞(Co-De)【13】 convenience, conversation, cook, cooperation, corner, costume, country, countryside, couple, courage, course, cousin, cow, crane, creativity, creature, crop, cuisine, culture, cup, curry, curtain, custom, cut, dance, dancer, danger, date, daughter, day, deadline, death, decision
名詞(De-Do)【14】 deer, degree, democracy, demonstration, dentist, desert, desk, despair, detective, developing country, diary, dictionary, difference, difficulty, dignity, dinner, dinosaur, director, disaster, discussion, disease, display, distance, diver, doctor, dog, doll, dollar, dolphin, dome, door, doorbell, dot
名詞(Dr-Ev)【15】 drama, dream, dress, driver, drum, e-mail, e-pal, ear, earth, earthquake, east, echo, egg, Egypt, electricity, elephant, emergency, end, endangered animals, energy, engine, engineer, England, entrance, envelope, environment, episode, equality, era, eraser, Europe, evacuation, evening
名詞(Ex-Fi)【16】 examination, example, exchange, exhibition, exit, experience, expression, eye, eyesight, face, facility, fact, factory, fall, family, farewell, farm, farmer, fate, father, fault, favor, feeling, feet, fellow, fence, festival, fever, fiction, field, fine arts, finger, fire, firework
名詞(Fi-Ge)【17】 fish, fitting room, flag, flame, flight, floor, flower, flute, folk, food, football, foreigner, forest, fossil fuel, fountain, fox, frame, France, French fries, fridge, friend, friendship, frog, front, fruit, fun, future, game, garbage, garden, gas, gate, gentleman
名詞(Ge-Ha)【18】 German, Germany, gesture, gift, girl, glass, global warming, goal, God, gold, goodness, goose, gorilla, government, grade, grandchild, grandfather, grandmother, grass, grassland, green, greenhouse gases, greeting, ground, group, guest, guide, guitar, gull, habit, habitat, hair, Halloween
名詞(Ha-Ho)【19】 hamburger, hand, handkerchief, handle, harm, harvest, hat, hay fever, head, headache, health, heart, heat, heritage, hero, highland, hill, hint, history, hobby, hole, holiday, home, home economics, homepage, homestay, homework, honey, honor, horizon, horse, hospital, host
名詞(Ho-Ju)【20】 hotel, hour, house, humor, hunger, husband, idea, impact, importance, impossible, impression, India, Indian, influence, information, ink, insect, inspiration, instrument, interest, internet, interview, island, jam, Japan, Japanese, jellyfish, job, journey, joy, juice, jungle, justice
名詞(Ke-Li)【21】 key, kilometer, kind, kindness, king, kingdom, kitchen, kite, knee, knife, knowledge, koala, Korea, lady, lake, land, landmine, language, lavatory, law, lawyer, leader, leaf, leaves, left, leg, lesson, letter, library, life, lives, light, line
名詞(Li-Me)【22】 lion, liquid, locker, London, loss, lot, lullaby, lunch, machine, magic, man, men, manner, mansion, map, market, mask, master, match, mathematics, math, matter, meal, meaning, measure, meat, medal, medicine, meeting, member, memorial, memory
名詞(Me-Mt)【23】 mess, message, meter, Mexico, midnight, mile, milk, minister, minute, mirror, Miss, mistake, model, mom, moment, money, monkey, monster, monument, moon, moral education, morning, mother, motto, mountain, mouse, mouth, movement, movie, Mr., Mrs., Ms., Mt.
名詞(Mu-Nu)【24】 museum, music, musical, musician, nail, name, nap, nation, nature, neck, needle, neighbor, neighborhood, nephew, nest, net, New York, New Zealand, news, newspaper, nickname, niece, night, Nobel Peace Prize, noise, noon, north, northeast, nose, notebook, notice, number, nun
名詞(Nu-Pa)【25】 nurse, obstacle, occupation, ocean, octopus, office, officer, oil, opera, operator, opinion, orange, orchestra, order, organ, outside, oxygen, ozone, page, pain, paint, painter, painting, pair, paper, pardon, parent, park, parking, part, partner, party, passport
名詞(Pe-Pl)【26】 PE, peace, peel, pen, pencil, people, period, permission, person, pet, pharmacist, phone, photo, photographer, phrase, piano, picnic, picture, piece, pig, pillar, pilot, pink, pity, place, plan, plane, planet, plant, plastic, plate, player, playground
名詞(Pl-Qu)【27】 pleasure, pocket, poem, poet, point, poison, police, pollution, pool, population, post, poster, pot, potato, power, present, presentation, pressure, price, priest, principal, priority, problem, program, project, promise, pumpkin, purple, purpose, pyramid, queen, question, quiz
名詞(Ra-Ri)【28】 rabbit, race, racket, radio, rain, rainbow, rainforest, ramp, rat, ray, reason, recess, recipe, rectangle, recycling, refugee, relationship, relay, report, reporter, reproach, research, resource, rest, restaurant, restroom, rhythm, rice, rice cake, rider, right, ring, risk
名詞(Ri-Sh)【29】 river, road, rock, rocket, roof, room, rose, rule, ruler, sadness, safety, sale, salesclerk, salmon, salt, sanctuary, sand, scene, school, science, scientist, scissors, sculpture, sea, season, seat, secondhand store, secret, section, seed, sentence, service, shade
名詞(Sh-So)【30】 shape, sheep, sheet, shelf, ship, shirt, shoes, shop, shopping, shot, shoulder, shrine, side, sightseeing, sign, silver, singer, sister, site, situation, size, skill, skin, sky, slave, slum, smoke, snow, soccer, socks, social studies, softball, soldier
名詞(So-St)【31】 solution, son, song, sound, soup, south, souvenir, space, spaceship, Spain, speaker, specialist, speech, spoon, sport, spring, square, stadium, stairs, stamp, stapler, star, starvation, station, statue, stay, step, stick, stomach, stomachache, stone, store, storm
名詞(St-Te)【32】 story, stranger, street, string, struggle, student, style, subject, suburb, subway, success, summer, sun, sunrise, sunset, surface, survey, sweater, sword, symbol, system, T-shirt, table, tag, tail, task, tea, teacher, teacup, team, tear, telephone, telescope
名詞(Te-To)【33】 television, temper, temperature, temple, tennis, test, textbook, Thanksgiving Day, theater, theme, thief, thing, thought, ticket, tiger, time, tissue, toast, today, toe, toilet, tomato, tomorrow, ton, tongue, tonight, tooth, teeth, toothache, top, tower, town, toy
名詞(Tr-Un)【34】 track, track and field, trade, tradition, traffic, tragedy, train, trap, trash, travel, tray, treasure, tree, triangle, trick, trip, trouble, truck, trust, truth, tube, turkey, turn, turtle, TV, U.K., umbrella, United Nations, uncle, unicycle, uniform, United States, unity
名詞(Un-We)【35】 universal design, university, use, vacation, value, variety, vegetable, vending machine, vet, victim, video, video game, view, village, violin, visit, visitor, voice, volcano, volleyball, volume, volunteer, vulture, waitress, wall, wallet, war, water, waterfall, way, weapon, weather, weather forecast
名詞(We-Zo)【36】 web, week, weekend, well, west, whale, wheel, wheelchair, wife, wind, windmill, window, wine, wing, winner, winter, wish, witch, wolf, woman, wood, word, work, worker, world, World Heritage Site, yacht, year, yellow, yen, yesterday, zebra, zoo
形容詞(順序を表す言葉)【37】 first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth, thirtieth, fortieth, fiftieth, sixtieth, seventieth, eightieth, ninetieth, hundredth, thousandth, millionth
形容詞(Ab-Ce)【38】 able, active, adult, afraid, all, American, ancient, angry, another, any, artificial, asleep, atomic, awesome, bad, ill, worse, worst, bare, basic, beautiful, big, black, blind, blue, bored, boring, born, both, breathtaking, bright, British, brown, busy, careful, centigrade, certain
形容詞(Ch-Dr)【39】 cheap, cheerful, chemical, Chinese, civil, clean, clever, close, cloudy, cold, colorful, comfortable, commercial, common, compulsory, conceited, confused, convenient, cool, correct, creative, crowded, cute, daily, dangerous, dark, dead, deaf, dear, deep, delicious, depressed, different, difficult, dirty, disabled, disappointed, dry
形容詞(Dy-Fr)【40】 dying, each, easy, economic, efficient, elderly, elegant, elementary, else, embarrassed, empty, equal, even, every, exact, excited, exciting, expensive, fair, faithful, famous, far, fast, favorite, few, fine, fit, fond, foolish, foreign, former, foster, free, fresh, friendly, frightened, frustrated
形容詞(Fu-La)【41】 full, funny, German, glad, global, good, well, better, best, great, greedy, half, happy, hard, healthy, heavy, high, honest, hot, huge, human, hungry, important, impossible, Indian, industrial, injured, integrated, intense, interested, interesting, international, itchy, Japanese, junior, kind, large
形容詞(La-No)【42】 last, late, light, little, less, least, living, long, loud, lucky, major, many, much, more, most, master, meaningful, medium, memorial, mighty, military, minor, miserable, modern, musical, narrow, national, natural, naughty, necessary, neither, nervous, new, next, nice, noble
形容詞(No-Re)【43】 noisy, northeast, northern, nuclear, official, old, only, open, opposite, optimistic, ordinary, original, other, outside, own, pale, paralyzed, particular, peaceful, perfect, plastic, pleasant, polite, political, poor, popular, positive, possible, present, pretty, proud, public, quiet, rainy, ready, real, red
形容詞(Re-St)【44】 regular, relaxed, responsible, rich, ridiculous, right, round, sacred, sad, safe, same, scary, selfish, senior, serious, several, short, shy, sick, silent, silly, similar, simple, sleepy, slow, small, smart, smooth, snowy, sociable, soft, some, sore, sorry, sour, special, stiff, straight
形容詞(St-Yo)【45】 strange, strong, stupid, such, sunny, sure, sweet, tall, terrible, thirsty, tired, tourist, traditional, true, unbelievable, unclean, underground, unequal, unhappy, useful, usual, vast, virtual, warm, weak, welcome, western, white, whole, wide, wild, willing, windy, wonderful, worth, wrong, young
動詞(Ac-Br)【46】 act, add, admire, advertise, agree, allow, amaze, answer, appear, arrest, arrive, ask, assist, attack, bark, bear, become, became, begin, began, begun, believe, belong, blame, blow, blew, boil, border, borrow, bother, break, broke, broken
動詞(Br-Co)【47】 bring, brought, broaden, brush, build, built, bump, burn, bury, buy, bought, call, campaign, care, carry, catch, caught, cause, celebrate, change, chew, choose, chose, clean, climb, close, collect, come, came, communicate, compare, complain, contact
動詞(Co-Ea)【48】 continue, control, cook, cost, cough, count, cover, create, cross, cry, decide, decorate, decrease, develop, die, disagree, disappear, discover, displace, display, do, does, did, done, draw, drew, dream, drink, drank, drunk, drive, drop, dump, earn
動詞(Ea-Fu)【49】 eat, ate, eaten, elect, enjoy, enter, excuse, expect, explain, explode, export, fail, fall, fell, fascinate, fasten, feel, felt, fight, fought, fill, find, found, finish, float, fly, flew, fold, follow, forget, forgot, forgive, fulfill
動詞(Ga-Hu)【50】 gather, get, got, give, gave, given, go, went, gone, graduate, grow, grew, guess, guide, handle, hang, happen, harm, hate, have, has, had, heal, hear, heard, help, hide, hit, hold, held, hope, hurry, hurt
動詞(Im-Le)【51】 imagine, increase, injure, inspire, insult, interest, introduce, invent, investigate, invite, join, judge, jump, keep, kill, knit, knock, know, knew, known, land, last, laugh, launch, lay, laid, lead, led, learn, leave, lend, lent
動詞(Li-Pa)【52】 lie, lay, lain, lied, lift, like, listen, live, locate, look, lose, make, made, marry, master, mean, meant, meet, met, mind, miss, move, need, nod, offer, open, order, overcome, paint, park, participate, pass, pay, peel
動詞(Pi-Re)【53】 pick, plan, plant, play, please, poison, pollute, post, practice, prefer, prepare, present, print, produce, protect, provide, publish, pull, punish, push, put, rain, raise, reach, react, read, realize, rebuild, receive, recognize, recycle, reduce, refresh
動詞(Re-So)【54】 reject, relay, release, remain, remember, remind, remove, report, represent, reproach, rescue, research, respect, respond, return, reuse, ride, rode, ridden, rise, run, ran, run, save, say, said, scare, scold, search, see, saw, seen, seem, sell, sold
動詞(Se-St)【55】 send, sent, separate, sew, shake, sheet, shine, shoot, shop, shout, show, shut, sing, sang, sung, sit, sat, ski, sleep, smell, smile, smoke, snow, solve, sort, sound, speak, spoke, spoken, spell, spend, stand, start, starve, stay
動詞(St-Tr)【56】 sting, stop, strive, struggle, study, succeed, suffer, support, suppose, surf, surprise, surround, survive, swallow, swim, swam, swum, take, took, taken, talk, teach, taught, tease, tell, told, thank, think, throw, threw, thrown, touch, travel, treat
動詞(Tr-Ya)【57】 trust, try, turn, uncover, understand, understood, use, visit, wait, wake, woke, woken, walk, want, wash, waste, watch, weaken, wear, weigh, whisper, whistle, win, won, wish, wonder, work, worry, wrap, wrestle, write, wrote, written, yacht
副詞(A.-Fi)【58】 a.m., about, abroad, again, ago, almost, alone, aloud, already, also, always, anytime, anywhere, away, back, best, better, carefully, certainly, cheerfully, clearly, closely, definitely, downstairs, early, easily, either, else, enough, especially, even, ever, everywhere, fast, finally
副詞(Fl-Ra)【59】 fluently, forever, forward, happily, here, incredibly, instead, just, later, long, maybe, more, most, never, no, northeast, not, now, o’clock, off, often, OK, once, out, outside, over, p.m., perhaps, please, precisely, quickly, quietly, quite, rather
副詞(Re-Ye)【60】 ready, really, right, round, sadly, sincerely, slowly, so, someday, somehow, sometimes, soon, still, straight, strongly, suddenly, sure, then, there, tightly, together, tomorrow, tonight, too, truly, unfairly, up, usually, very, well, worst, yes, yesterday, yet